
Washington Funding for K-12 CS Education

Two grants administered by OSPI provide funding to promote K-12 computer science education in Washington: the Computer Science Education Grant (FP777) and the AP Computer Science Initiative Grant (FP656).  
FP777 provides up to $1,000,000 yearly in funding for K-12 CS education and has been available since 2016-17. FP656 has been available since 2014-15 and provides up to $62,000 specifically to support AP Computer Science offerings in high school.
Applications for these CS education grants for the 2024-25 school year are expected to be available in early summer.
The text authorizing these grants in the 2024-25 budget may be found here. Through 2023-24, FP777 has provided over $5.3 million and FP656 over $586,000. This month’s Data Corner and the links within the article provide more details on how these grants have been distributed since their inception.
For limited periods, Washington’s legislature has also provided additional funding for CS education: 
  • FY2022:  $63,000 to create elementary and secondary specialty endorsements in computer science;
  • FY2022: $250,000 to support teachers with costs associated with becoming certified or endorsed
  • FY2025 and FY2026: $200,000 for districts and ESD operating long-term juvenile institutions to provide CS electives.
CTE Perkins funding also plays a critical role - perhaps even more important than these grants - in funding computer science education in Washington. In 2020-21, 97% of all high school CS enrollments were also funded through CTE.

June 2024 Issue

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Open Board Meeting June 5
Our next open Board Meeting is this month via Zoom! Mark your calendars for Wednesday June 5th from 7:00-8:00pm to participate in a meaningful discussion. We'll be talking about the open board positions, the elections from June 7 - 21, PSCSTA's mission and responsibilities, and continue the conversation of K-5 educator needs. 
All are welcome to PSCSTA Open Board meetings. To register for the meeting and receive a Zoom link, visit the June Open Board Meeting Event page.

Event Image

What is a teacher's favorite summer job?
... being a relaxologist
computer science teachers relaxing on summer break animated diverse. Image 1 of 4
STEP CS Lightning Talks Recap
Over 45 Washington CS educators including 12 members of the 2024 STEP CS cohort attended the 2024 PSCSTA STEP CS Lightning Talk event on May 23 at the University of Washington. 
Hosted by Lauren Bricker of PSCSTA, the event featured a SWAG swap, dinner, comradery and networking, and the lightning talks.  The venue was sponsored by the University of Washington Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering and the food by the Expanding Computing Education Pathways (ECEP) Alliance through a CSTA GECKO grant.
The Lightning Talks featured 5-minute talks from the following esteemed individuals:   Adam McDonald (TEALS), Melanie Drown (Prodigy Learning), Jayne Everson and Megumi Kivuva (, R. Benjamin Shapiro (UW), Lawrence Tanimoto (PSCSTA), Bo English-Wiczling and Heather Stephens (Oracle), Caroline Hardin and Noah Dougen (WWU), Matthew Fuentes and Catherine Wyman (Everett CC, Skagit Valley CC), Matt Wang (UW), and Jennifer Styer (Sehome HS, CSTA Equity Fellow).  Slides from the event may be found here.

Physical Computing Workshop Recap

On May 4, Chad Norman and PSCSTA Secretary Jacqueline Russell - featured in the May 2024 Connector - lead over 20 teachers in using micro:bit and Arduino in the 2024 PSCSTA Physical Computing Workshop at the Microsoft Main Campus in Redmond. The venue and other considerations were sponsored by Microsoft. 



Teacher Spotlight: Susan Rogers

Susan Rogers became a teacher after 20 years working as a mechanical engineer. After teaching robotics and technology for 4 years at North Whidbey Middle School, 2023-24 is her first-year teaching computer science at Oak Harbor High School. Susan joined CSTA after at PD with AVID in the summer of 2023.


      Oak Harbor High School (Oak Harbor SD) 1,618 students

Course Load

Oak Harbor High School has a trimester system. Below are the number of students per trimester:
  • Microsoft IT Academy, 27-32 students 
  • Introduction to Video Game Design (JavaScript), 27-32 students
  • Video Game Design - 2D Games (JavaScript/Construct), 27-32 students
  • Video Game Design - 3D Games (C# / Unity), 20-32 students
AP CS A and Flight Simulation/Engineering Process are courses under consideration for next year.
Oak Harbor HS also offers Java programming, AP CS Principles, and Robotics. The Engineering program includes Arduino in student electro-mechanical prototypes.
CS Extra-Curricular Activities
Interactive Application and Video Game Design competition through SkillsUSA, FIRST Robotics
Areas of Pride
I am most proud of my students’ use of CS in the projects they create in Robotics and Game Design courses and clubs. I love to see their ideas and hard work presented in a physical product that didn’t exist before that others can now interact with.

Biggest challenge

I see a need for getting students coding earlier on in the K-5 grades. I would like the emphasis on creation/invention over just playing games to improve grit, perseverance, problem-solving, and creativity. We need options for advanced students without the need to have full classroom seats

What can the local chapter do to better support teachers in remote regions?

I am just learning about the resources CSTA has to offer. I look forward to networking with other teachers and those in the industry through CSTA. Offering virtual PD is a huge asset for me as well. 


Partner Spotlight: ECEP Alliance

The Expanding Computing Education Pathways (ECEP) Alliance, a National Science Foundation Broadening Participation in Computing Alliance, works to increase the number and diversity of students in computing and computer science pathways. With a focus on K-12 education, ECEP partners with local and national organizations to address the lack of diversity in computing at a systems level.
ECEP is an alliance of 29 state teams and the territory of Puerto Rico. Teams of broad- based advocates from K-12 as well as leaders from multiple sectors aligned with education work to advance policy and build sustainable solutions for change. Having partners like the Computer Science Teachers Association, as well as local chapters, is vital to the success of our mission. ECEP works because of the work of our partners and state leaders. It is through our collaboration, our resources, and our research that we are able to advance equity focused CS education for all students.
Through a GECKO grant, ECEP co-sponsorship, and funding to participate in the ECEP Common Metrics Project initiative, Washington has been able to support the CS for All Washington coalition, the motivation and framework guiding the annual K-12 Computer Science Education Data Summary published by OSPI, and funding for special events such as the PSCSTA STEP CS Lightning Talks that were held at UW Allen Center on May 23.

CS Endorsement Exam Prep Course

Do you or someone you know want to get endorsed to teach CS in Washington? 
Registration for the June 2024 cohort of the CS Endorsement Exam Prep Course for Washington State are still open.  Scholarships covering $550 of the retail $650 cost are available to current public-school teachers and juniors/seniors in an undergraduate teacher prep program. 

Post-Workshop Eastside Meetup

After the Physical Computing Workshop, several PSCSTA members got together for informal CSEd discussions at the Woodblock in Redmond.

If you are interested in creating your own CS Educator Meetup of PSCSTA members for your region or interest area, please contact



Summer PD Clock Hours Bricker


Data Corner: Washington CS Funding 2014 - 2024

The chart above shows how $1 million in annual funds from the FP777 Computer Science Education Grant have been distributed since 2016. In most years, substantially less than $1 million was distributed, and in 2018-2109, there were no distributions at all.   
The amount of funding to ESDs through FP777 has gone up over time. The CS leads at each of the ESDs provide the Washington Integration Network for Computer Science (WINforCS) website, related events and training, and conducting CSforALL SCRIPT training for districts planning their initial implementation of CS.
Many school districts are not aware of these grants. 2023-24 was the first time any STEC (State-Tribal Education Compact) received funding through the grant. OSPI reached out to these STEC to inform them of their availability.
FP656 Grants by School Year
The chart above shows how $62,000 in annual funds from the FP656 AP Computer Science Initiative Grant have been distributed since 2014.  With the exception of FY2022, much of the $62,000 in funding has been distributed each year.
School districts can receive up to $10,000 in multiple years under FP656. Up through FY2024, the school districts that have received the most in funding are Selah SD ($38,100), Tacoma SD ($34,300), and Newport SD ($29,000).
For the full list of 2023-24 CS grant recipients, see Washington CS Grant Recipients 2023-24.  For the underlying data provided by OSPI, see FP777 Recipients and FP656 Recipients.  

Rubber Duck Spotlight: NCW ESD CS Fair  

On Oct 17, PSCSTA attended the 2024 North Central Washington CS & Tech Fair in Moses Lake to meet and greet Eastern Washington CS students and teachers.  


More here

The Puget Sound Computer Science Teachers Association Connector is a monthly newsletter containing relevant information, upcoming events, learning, and connection opportunities for local CS Educators. Previous issues can be viewed by following the "News" tab on the PSCSTA homepage. If you have any comments about the current edition or ideas for future editions, please email If you wish to not be receiving the monthly PSCSTA Connector unsubscribe from them HERE.
Upcoming Events
CS Endorsement Exam Prep Course for Washington State - Jan 2025 Cohort
Sep 01, 2024 - Mar 31, 2025
CSTA Washington Quarterly Open Membership Meeting Mar 2025
Mar 05, 2025
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM UTC-08:00
CSTA Washington Physical Computing Workshop 2025
Microsoft Campus Building 122
Mar 15, 2025
9:30 AM - 2:30 PM UTC-07:00
View entire list
Partners and Sponsors