The 2023-24 cohort of the STEP CS program is happening now. There are 15 people in this program who are staying for a 5th quarter in their Masters in Education program to take some classes in CS pedagogy and work on a CS teaching certification.
Our goal is to welcome them into the world of teaching CS and connect them with other teachers in the community through the Puget Sound Computer Science Teachers' Association (PSCSTA)!!!
We are planning an evening of lightning talks with an unconference and networking for the teachers to get connected. We're also going to provide food - (boxed food most likely) that we will eat outside on the terrace if the weather is nice.
Information on logistics, such as how to get there (virtually or in person) and where to park if needed will be emailed to you shortly before the event.
Please reach out if you have any accommodation requests or food restrictions.
Please reach out if you have any accommodation requests or food restrictions.