Washington CS Education Advocacy Info

Washington CS Education Advocacy Information
Last updated: Oct 22, 2024
- 2022-23 K–12 Computer Science Education Data Summary Report (XLSX) available from the OSPI CS web site is the most comprehensive data source on CS Education in Washington. It typically goes out in June after the school year it covers ends. The 2022-23 report also restates data starting from 2018-2019.
- The Washington CSEd Students HS/MS 2018-23 and Washington CSEd Demographics 2018-23 provide detailed visualizations of how students participate in CS courses throughout Washington based on the 2022-23 K–12 Computer Science Education Data Summary Report published by OSPI.
- The 2024 State of Computer Science Education Report by Code.org, CSTA, and the ECEP Alliance contains the most comprehensive source of national information on computer science education with data pages on each state including Washington.
- Every issue of the PSCSTA Connector contains a Data Corner issue that spotlights one metric of Computer Science education in Washington.
- SB 5849 (2024) Beginning with the 2029 graduating class, all students shall be required to show competency in the high school learning standards related to computer science in order to graduate from high school through a variety of mechanisms. Note: This bill passed the State Senate but stalled in the House.
- SB 5088 (2019) required that each school district that operates a high school must provide access to an elective computer science course by the 2022–2023 school year. Note: In the 2022-23 school year, only 47% of Washington high schools offer a computer science elective.
- HB 1577 (2019) required each school district to report the number of computer science course offerings and demographics of the students enrolled in the courses, starting in June 2020.
- SB 5657 (2022) required each school district operating an institutional education program for youth in state long-term juvenile institutions to provide an opportunity to access an elective computer science course.
- SB 5389 (2021) requires that PESB establish two specialty endorsements for computer science one for elementary and one for secondary. Note: Despite investigation, no providers were ever certified to provide the training for these specialty endorsements and no Washington state teacher has received this specialty endorsement. Note that the endorsement would not have qualified any teacher to teach a particular course - only that they had taken the necessary PD.
- HB 1813 (2015) Expanding computer science education. Required OSPI to develop computer science learning standards, PESB to create a computer science endorsement, and create the Educator Retooling Scholarship. Note: Washington adopted CS standards are exactly the same as CSTA standards.
- HB 1472 (2014) Providing initiatives to improve and expand access to computer science education. Allow AP Computer Science to be used as either Math or Science credit.
Identity Inclusive Legislation
Initiative 2081. Concerning parental rights relating to their children's public-school education. This would affect student privacy (against Human Rights Commission guidelines of student privacy) and require outing of LGBTQ+ . Note: This initiative passed in 2081 despite Democratic party (majority party controlling governor and both houses) opposition. The most controversial portions are now blocked by the courts. Several other bills affecting trans and gender-non conforming students did not pass.
Washington legislature laws on special education. Washington compliance with Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.
Washington is one of the few states to identify specific disadvantaged populations in its computer science education legislation. CS Education grants FP777 (Computer Science Education Grant) and FP656 (AP Computer Science Initiative Grant) both give preferences to schools/districts with large numbers of low-income students. SB 5657 (2022) supports computer science education in juvenile institutions.
Funding for CS Education
June 2024 Connector - Washington CS Ed Grants (Jun 03, 2024) (csteachers.org) contains a summary of current funding for CS Education in Washington.
- FP777 funding of $5000 is available to districts for SCRIPT (Strategic CSforALL Planning Tool for School Districts) from your ESD.
- TEALS (Technology Education and Learning Support) Program helps teachers and schools build their CS teaching capacity through ongoing training, CS teaching resources, and a network of support.
- The Teacher Spotlight in each issue of the PSCSTA Connector provides real-life examples of how other teachers in the state have built their CS education programs.
- Contact the PSCSTA Chapter Advocacy Lead at csta.pugetsound@gmail.com for other questions you have regarding planning to start or expand CS at your school.
- Join CSTA Puget Sound (PSCSTA). It's free. The PSCSTA Chapter Advocacy Lead is Lawrence Tanimoto. Contact Lawrence at csta.pugetsound@gmail.com
- CS for All Washington is a coalition of CS Education advocates in the state. Join their Slack channel here.
- Terron Ishihara is the Program Supervisor of Computer Science in Washington. Contact terron.ishihara@k12.wa.us. Sign up for the newsletter here.
- WinForCS (Washington Integration for Computer Science). CS leaders from all 9 Educational Service Districts, in partnership with OSPI, work together throughout the year to promote equitable computer science education for all students across Washington state.
- Find your legislative district to find who represents you.
- Early Learning and K-12 Education Senate Committee: Wellman, Chair (D); Nobles, Vice Chair (D); Wilson, C., Vice Chair (D); Hawkins; Dozier; Hunt; McCune; Mullet; Pedersen
- Education House Committee: Santos, Chair (D); Shavers, Vice Chair (D); Rude; McEntire; Bergquist; Couture; Eslick; Harris; McClintock; Nance; Ortiz-Self; Pollet; Steele; Stonier; Timmons
- Western Washington University, Central Washington University, and Whitworth University have pre-service CS Education Degree programs. The University of Washington STEP CS program is a full-time 5th quarter add-on endorsement, which means that teacher candidates enroll in the 1-year Master in Teaching degree, earn a first endorsement, then stay for an additional quarter to earn a second endorsement in CS.